New members always welcome!
Minety PTA is a registered charity that aims to enhance the school's resources by raising funds for school equipment and activities. This is done by organising social and fund-raising events throughout the school year. The events are varied and provide an opportunity for families to meet and have fun, whilst helping to support the school.
If you would like to get to know some other parents and be part of this team please contact the school office for more details or why not just come along to our next meeting at The Vale of the White Horse.
A few words from our Head Teacher......
Welcome to Minety Church of England Primary School and the PTA section of the website. Thank you for taking the time to find out how our Parent Teacher Association helps the school and what we all do. We hope this section of our website will give you a flavour of the brilliant events and fun activities that the PTA provides for our children. Just to name a few events that the children particularly look forward to: Family Bingo, the Summer Fete, Children’s Disco, Popcorn Club and the Family Landscaping Day. Some of the adult events that are due to take place this year are the Spring Fling Dance.
The PTA works hard to raise funds for our school – they are incredibly successful at this and donations from the PTA have funded the Play Ship Outdoor Area for the infants, the Trim Trail, a huge injection of new reading resources, laptops, fantastic resources for our classes such as webcams, active numeracy and literacy resources for the younger children, sporting equipment, comprehension activities for the older children and resources for the children to be involved in the team building activities of Forest School. These are just a few of the many resources that the PTA has provided. Currently we are aiming to raise enough money for a loud speaker/micro-phone equipment and looking into resourcing extra outdoor all weather space.
We believe that education is a team effort and we are very grateful for the involvement of the PTA. Parents are always welcome at school to share in all aspects of our children’s development and we encourage involvement in the school if you have any time to spare.
Johnathon Howard