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  2. Golden Book 10th May 2024

Golden Book 10th May 2024

10 May 2024 (by admin)


Rosie you have been working so hard in Class.  You have been working particularly hard on the presentation of your work – as we can see!  You work largely independently in English and have been able to use fronted adverbials and a range of conjunctions.  You are not afraid to ask when you are stuck and like to check your spellings.  In maths, you have been working on numbers to 100, partitioning these and thinking about ordering them.  You are a very sociable and lively girl Rosie, always ready to join in.


As part of our work based on the novel ‘Tom’s Midnight Garden’ by Philippa Pearce, Oakleaze Class have been writing persuasive letters from the main character (Tom) to his mother.  Tom wants Mother to let him come home – he has to stay with his aunt and uncle while his brother has measles.  Hugo has successfully used persuasive techniques to put forward Tom’s arguments to his parents.  He has also edited his work and his spellings are improving every week. Amazing work, Hugo.


Basil, what a super week you have had. We are blown away by the progress you have made since you started with us at Minety. This has been down to your hard work, resilience and attitude towards your learning. You have also shown that you are great at being helpful and working as a team. You showed us this during how you helped and supported your classmates when creating our stone age houses. Well done Basil. We are very proud of you.

Archie B

Archie has had a very busy week.  After enjoying the story of The Little Red Hen,  he created his own story map and has started  writing  a retelling of  the story himself.

In maths he has done a  lot of thinking about the different shapes of numbers and what smaller numbers he can add together to make a bigger number.  Well done Archie


Evie has shown greater focus in her listening and learning this term and has worked enthusiastically across the curriculum. Evie takes an active part in class discussions and is always eager to answer questions, particularly in Maths. Evie has worked hard on all her SATS revision and has shown particular confidence in Maths, explaining her reasoning using mathematical vocabulary.  Evie is also kind and caring towards the younger children at break times.  Well done Evie!