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  2. Golden Book 28/03/04

Golden Book 28/03/04

28 March 2024 (by admin)


Jonah has worked really hard this term, showing noticeable aspiration in all his learning.  Jonah has produced particularly pleasing work in Writing, his sentences are well sequenced and he is now incorporating greater detail and vocabulary into his work.  Jonah is always keen to contribute in discussions, he puts his hand up and increasingly shares carefully thought out ideas.  Jonah has a great general knowledge and curiosity about the world we live in, which is a great asset as a learner.  Well done Jonah – super effort!



Henry has been very brave this week – he had a poorly finger and made no fuss when the nail came off.

When we had a visitor to show us his mountain bike – he asked some very good questions.  When we were painting bicycles he not only painted a bicycle , he painted a unicycle as well.

He has also been trying very hard in maths this week thinking of different ways to make ten.



Poppy you a polite and respectful girl and demonstrate integrity in everything that you do.  You always listen to others and are a very kind and helpful friend.  You speak respectfully to your teachers and your friends, putting your hand up to ask and answer questions and will wait patiently for your turn.  You work hard in class, quietly and carefully completing your work and asking for help when you need it.  Poppy you come into class every morning with a lovely smiley face – and that continues all day!


Nell, has shown an a fantastic effort in this last term. She has been engaged in her learning and has been really trying hard to put in her very best effort in each and every lesson. She produced an absolutely amazing poem all about the Amazon Rainforest and has also been progressing really well with her maths lessons – learning all about measurement. We are SUPER proud of you Nell.


Oakleaze Class are determined to conquer their times tables as this knowledge is the key to any maths operations.  We practise every day and Isabelle is storming ahead with the speed and recall of all of the times tables up to 12 x 12.  This will stand her in great stead for the maths she will encounter in year 5 and 6, and beyond.  Superb work, Isabelle.