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  1. News
  2. Golden Book 09/02/24

Golden Book 09/02/24

11 February 2024 (by Johnathon Howard (headteacher))


Bobby has been really busy in school.   He is trying really hard with his writing and it is becoming neater and neater.    He has been doing lots of thinking about seasons and how the trees have changed from when we first looked at them in the Autumn.  Bobby was also keen to help make our class volcano explode and then painted his own in response to this.

Well done Bobby.

Isla VE

Isla has worked really hard across the curriculum this week, showing aspiration in all her learning.  Isla has taken a full and active part in discussions,  sharing well considered thoughts and ideas. In English, Isla has worked particularly hard to improve her editing skills and has written a super informal letter incorporating a range of language features.  She has also produced a fantastic map of ancient Baghdad using secondary sources.  Great work Isla – well done!


Jessica has really taken on board feedback this week and has been focused and attentive during both teacher input and in her independent learning. In maths,  she has been working really hard at finding equal amounts and finding the relationship between repeated addition and multiplication.  Jessica, has also been engaged and enthusiastic about our space topic and has been eager to share her knowledge with us. We are proud of you Jessica!


Lottie you are showing great aspiration in your learning.  You have been enjoying writing a recount of our class book, Beegu.  You listened carefully and sequenced the story, and adapted modelled sentences in your writing.  Writing neatly and clearly.  You have also worked hard in maths, thinking carefully about ones and tens up to 50.  You are a great role model in the class and take an active part in our shared learning.  Well done Lottie!


In Oakleaze Class we have been writing our own fables, with a focus on improving our sentences with adverbs.  Tobin’s fable is about a wood carver who finds a log.  The log gives him 3 wishes.  Tobin has used adverbs and even included more during his time editing his work, to make sure his work is interesting for the reader.  He has been super hardworking and helpful all week.  Great work, Tobin.