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  3. Golden Book 08/12/2023

Golden Book 08/12/2023

8 December 2023 (by admin)


This week Oakleaze Class have been reading The Abominables by Eva Ibbotson, a story about Lady Agatha, a group of yetis and a boy called Con. This has inspired us to look at different ways to open a story and hook the reader.  Natan has worked independently on a story opener using dialogue.  As well as thinking about language use, he has had to focus on some tricky punctuation for speech.  Well done, Natan.


Nina has had a brilliant week, demonstrating aspiration and great focus in all of her learning.  Nina listens really carefully and frequently shares well thought out ideas in class.  Nina has worked confidently in Maths, gaining a good understanding of fractions. Nina has also produced some really fantastic descriptive writing in English, using adjectives, personification and similes to create a snowy Himalayan setting.  Well done Nina – you are a superstar!


Lydia has been very busy this week.  In maths she has been thinking about shape and how you can find 2d shapes in other shapes.      She has also started her Christmas D &T project – a robin.  It takes a lot of concentration to make sure all the stitches go in the right place.

Lydia is also trying really hard with her reading, which is getting better and better .

Well done Lydia

Harry W

We have been so proud of Harry’s attitude and effort towards our school nativity play in the last two weeks. He has been trying so hard to learn all the songs and his lines. He has shown so much enthusiasm and also has really helped and encouraged his peers. Harry, lights up the stage with his singing, actions and when reading his words. Harry, you have been brilliant and have been a role model for others. Well done Harry!


Noah you always work really hard in class.  You try so hard when writing, starting your work quickly and writing neatly and carefully.  You also work to the best of your ability in maths, listening and, again, getting down to your work quickly.  You readily put your hand up during teaching sessions, willingly sharing your thoughts.  You are a very polite, respectful boy, a real pleasure to have in the class.