Welcome to the Minety Church of England Primary School website
Welcome to Minety Church of England Primary School and thank you for taking the time to find out about us.
In Minety we aim for all to shine, not only in everything that we learn but in everything that we do as a Christian School community. As pupils and members of staff at Minety we are defined by this message to shine in all aspects of life – life in all its fullness and sparkle by helping one another. We imagine a better world, nurturing dignity and respect for others. We value all children for who they are and expect them to value everyone else in the school community. We encourage our children to excel in all that they do and to aim for excellence.
The SHINE vision is rooted in the words “Everyone who has been wise will shine as bright as the sky above, and everyone who has led others to please God will shine forever like the stars.” Daniel 12:3
We are also defined by values of kindness, courtesy, fairness, and respect for one another. These lead to motivation for service and commitment to society, both within and beyond our school. For this reason we have taken Jesus' summary as our principle of life in Minety C of E Primary school: "Always treat others as you would like them to treat you" (Matthew 7:12).
In Minety C of E Primary school we are engaged on the start of a life time journey in which we will shine starting our journey from God and moving out into God’s world. We help one another to live together and help our community and imagine our potential not simply with hope and aspiration but also by understanding that every person can be an agent of change in our everyday world. We nurture dignity and respect for everyone whatever their difference in terms of being or ability. We aim to create a caring and happy school community committed to excellence in wisdom knowledge and skills. These values are very much aligned to the Christian values of generosity, service, creativity, compassion and perseverance but based on the words of the children and our wider community.
We are committed to all children achieving their very best – excellence at a level that is achievable for every child. Children will leave this school as the very best Readers, Mathematicians, and Writers that they can be, combined with an understanding of health and fitness in mind and body. This can only happen if a love of learning for learning’s sake is fostered. This happens through the dedication of our school staff team who are motivated and valued.
Our school is a vibrant Christian community and place of learning. No website can reflect this in full. To really understand this you only need to meet our children who are a testament to the happy and caring Christian school community of Minety. If you are contemplating choosing our school for your child – this decision is always a difficult one, but we hope that the website will give you real insight into the life of Minety and the learning opportunities that we provide. If you are looking at our website for any other reason we hope it will be informative and helpful.
Successful education is all about working together and we welcome parental and community involvement in every aspect of what we do. There is always a welcome at school for all in our community whether parent or friend to the school and the aim of the website is to keep you informed and give you a rich flavour of what goes on in our school.
We have wonderful playgrounds and outdoor learning areas along with a new classroom for our Foundation children and a large and spacious hall. The school facilities, community support and positive parents are a real plus. However, most important of all are the children themselves who are enthusiastic and keen to learn making me very proud to be Head Teacher of Minety Primary School.
Mr Howard – Head Teacher